Pineapple All-Day Cafe

The Pineapple Cafe, located in the front of the York Beach Surf Club, is an all-day cafe opening at 7am daily with breakfast, lunch, and dinner served all day. The cafe is open to the general public. Visit us on Instagram for the most up-to-date menus and daily offerings from Chef Jeffrey Kobs. @pineappleallday

Open to the public and guests daily from 7am until close (usually 9pm weekdays, 11pm weekends).


Daybreaker Coffee Co.

The Surf Company’s own coffee brand, Daybreaker Coffee Co., has a retail store located in the Pineapple All-Day Cafe at the York Beach Surf Club. Daybreaker Coffee Co. serves an array of espresso drinks including lattes, americanos, cortados, cappucinos, and espressos. Best damn coffee on the beach.

Hours of Operation: 7am to cafe close (usually 9pm).